Looking for Business Insurance?
Are you a business owner looking for better business insurance?
It’s hard enough being a business owner so why don’t you let us do what we do best?
That is using our knowledge of insurance and products to protect what you worked so hard to create.
There are many fundamental components to a business owner’s policy. It can tend to be complex if you don’t have an agent in your corner who really knows what you need. There are many types of business policies to fit your needs. There are differences!
If you are a small business owner you will have different needs than that of one running a franchised corporation.
Tucson Commercial Business Insurance Coverages
General Liability Coverage– This is going to protect your business from financial stress or ruin due to a “loss” or claim where you could be found negligent. Most business owners don’t realize that once you put a company name in the mix of a claim… a lot changes. You need to make sure you are not only protecting what you have worked hard to build but also protecting it from being financially destroyed if something shouldn’t go as planned.
Professional Liability– In a lot of cases a standard General Liability policy fits most needs. However, you might have a business that requires a bit more protection again things that apply to your job specifically. This is where Professional Liability comes in. It is important to work with your agent in determining if you fit within this category. Some examples of individuals needing this additional coverage are but not limited to:
- Photographers
- CPA’s
- Dentists/Doctors
- Software Programmers/Tech
- and many more…
Tenant/Building Coverage/ Property Damage– Where do you operate? Whether it is out of a warehouse, a retail store front, or even your home… you need to make sure your building and business is protected. This coverage would protect you if your equipment, inventory, or even your building was damaged due to a loss/claim.
Worried about food spoilage? We have a coverage for that as well through a business owners policy.
Business Interruption– What would happen if you couldn’t open your doors for business due to a claim? It is important that you have coverage in place so that way if you unexpectedly have to close your doors you would have some help with expenses.
Employee Dishonesty– No one wants to think that an employee would ever steal from them. The reality of it is though is that it happens. We have coverage options we can put in place for you to help regain some of the lost merchandise or funds if you are ever in this unfortunate situation.
Things you Need to Know when Purchasing a Commercial Business Insurance Policy
- A Business Owners Policy doesn’t not automatically cover your business use auto’s. You need commercial auto insurance and we can help you with that.
- A Business Owners Policy doesn’t not include Workers Compensation Coverage. In the state of Arizona if you have employees it is required by law that you carry Workers Compensation. We can also help you determine your needs and protect you adequately.
- Talk to an agent. Do not buy your policy online. Business Owners Policies can be complex and often leave grey areas unattended. Let us at Icon Insurance Solutions help you navigate your way through the Business policy to make sure you are getting the coverage you need.